Browsing Journal Articles (HSS) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Social Networking Sites in Kenya: Trigger for Non-Institutionalized Democratic Participation
(2012-07)The paper argues that Social Networking Sites (SNS) are creating communicative spaces that enables non-institutionalized democratic participation. The creation of the backbone infrastructure for ICT in Kenya has the potential ... -
Effect of Women Group Membership to Poverty Vulnerability among Female Headed Households in Yathui and Central Division, Machakos District, Kenya
(2013-08)This article examines the effect of group membership to magnitude of poverty among female headed households in Yathui and Central Divisions of Machakos District. The study adopted a descriptive and cross-sectional study ... -
Influence of Information Availability on the Choice of Source of Entrepreneurial Finance
(2013-08)This study examines the influence of information availability on the choice of source of entrepreneurial finance for small and medium sized enterprises in Thika district of Kenya. This study adopted a mixed methods empirical ... -
Challenges Facing Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse in Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya
(2013-12)This article examines challenges child sexual abuse victims and their families experience in trying to access healthcare services and justice in Kenya. Child sexual abuse is a vice that shocks and traumatizes the victims ... -
New Media and Political Marketing in Kenya: The Case of 2013 General Elections
(2014-08)The paper examines the role of new media in political marketing during the 2013 general elections in Kenya.The ways in which politicians market themselves in the political realm have changed dramatically since the emergence ... -
Representation of Students with Disability in Media: The Case of Abled Differently Television Programme
(African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research., 2016)Higher education in Kenya is seen as the privilege of a few, with Persons with Disability (PWD) hardly standing a chance to access it. While disability can be explained in a straightforward way using medical discourses, ... -
Social Media adoption as alternative platforms for political marketing in Kenya
(2016-01)This study seeks to establish the determinants of social media adoption for political marketing in Kenya. The study is guided by the diffusion of innovations theory. The study utilizes the mixed methods sequential explanatory ... -
“Vers l’acquisition de la morphosyntaxe verbale en FLE chez les lycéens kenyans en deuxième année du cycle secondaire kenyan aux comptes de Nairobi et Kiambu
(Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa, 2016-11)Cet article se veut une contribution de l’apport des recherches transversales sur l’acquisition de la morphosyntaxe du Français en classe du français langue étrangère (FLE) auprès des lycéens en deuxième année du cycle ... -
Print Media Managers’ Perception of Integration of New Media by Newspapers in Kenya
(2019-01)The study examined print media managers’ perception of adoption of new media in newsrooms in Kenya. Integrating new media in print media houses can be traced back to 2009. However, few studies have examined the managers’ ... -
The Influence of Communication Climate on Employee Performance in Selected Large Manufacturing Businesses in Eritrea
(2019-04)Manufacturing businesses, particularly the manufacturing businesses in Eritrea, face challenges in terms of increasing productivity in which their products are competitive in the market. The contribution of the manufacturing ... -
Uchanganuzi wa Ishara za Kisemiotiki zinazotumiwa katika Matangazo ya Biashara ya Kampuni ya Safaricom
(Mwanga wa Lugha, 2020)Maendeleo ya teknolojia yamebadilisha sura ya matangazo ya biashara hasa kupitia kwa vyombo vya habari. Makala haya yanaangazia jinsi matangazo hutumia lugha pamoja na ishara za kisemiotiki ili kuwashawishi watazamaji ... -
Réflexion sur l’occurrence de l’erreur en FLE auprès des apprenants multilingues anglophones
(Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa, 2020-09)Ce numéro s’est ambitionné de mener une réflexion sur l’analyse de l’occurrence de l’erreur. Ainsi, ont été cernées des difficultés d’ordre grammaticales à l’oral et à l’écrit auxquelles font face des apprenants kenyans ... -
Influence of Organisational Strategy on Digital Transformation at Kenya Airways
(2020-10)The study investigates how organisational strategy influences digital transformation of Kenya Airways. The study was guided by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and the Digital Maturity Model. ... -
Examining the Prominence of the Political Corruption News in South Sudan
(2021)Purpose: The purpose of the study to examine the prominence of political corruption news by newspapers in South Sudan Method: The study used descriptive research design to address the research objectives. The target ... -
Access to health information for persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya
(African Journal of Social Work, 11(4), 172-181., 2021)This study explores the effectiveness of media in promoting access to COVID-19 health information in Kenya. The focus will be on how persons with disabilities accessed COVID-19 information through television within the ... -
Type of News on Political Corruption in South Sudan
(2021)Purpose: The study sought to determine the type of news on political corruption by newspapers in South Sudan Method The study used descriptive research design to address the research objectives. The target population in ... -
Onward and Return Migrations: Migrant Characters in Hisham Matars’ The Return (2017) and A Month in Siena (2019)
(2021-07)Migration scholars have divergent views concerning the experiences of migrant characters in foreign nations. The first group of scholars suggest that migrant characters are never settled and because of disarticulating ... -
Otherness and Marginal Spaces: Beyond Politics and Race in Contemporary African Novels
(2021-07)Many postcolonial literary scholars associate otherness with political and racial marginalisation of groups. Indomitable postcolonial voices such as Frantz Fanon and Edward Said take this trajectory, thereby negating other ... -
The Feminist Writer and the Subaltern: A Perspective on Ole Kulet’s Blossoms of the Savannah
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-12)Dominant literary conversations like post-structuralism have crowned the literary writer as an impartial and reliable voice for the voiceless in oppressive cultural settings. Since the marginal group is weak and cannot ... -
Wagar and Motley “Archaic” Vestiges: A Postmodernist Reading of Contemporary Somali Fiction
(Literature Association of South Africa and Unisa Press., 2022)The advent of the modernist dream resulted in the universalisation of culture, which entails deliberate effort to abandon traditional ways of life that foster difference and instead embracing national cultures to bring ...