Browsing School of Humanities and Social Sciences (JA) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Access to health information for persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya
(African Journal of Social Work, 11(4), 172-181., 2021)This study explores the effectiveness of media in promoting access to COVID-19 health information in Kenya. The focus will be on how persons with disabilities accessed COVID-19 information through television within the ... -
Celebrity Endorsement: Television Advertisements and Sports Gambling Behavior among University Students in Kenya
(2023-02)Purpose: To establish the influence of Television’s celebrity endorsement advertisement technique on sports gambling behaviour among the university students in Kenya. Methodology: This study employed mixed method design. ... -
The centre and pathology: Postmodernist reading of madness in the oppressor in contemporary fiction
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2023-08)This study examines the pathological consequences of in-between identity on the members of the dominant group in polarized cosmopolitan settings in Lessing’s The Grass is Singing (1950). The study is a postmodernist reading ... -
Challenges Facing Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse in Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya
(2013-12)This article examines challenges child sexual abuse victims and their families experience in trying to access healthcare services and justice in Kenya. Child sexual abuse is a vice that shocks and traumatizes the victims ... -
Colonialism and Mimicry: A Literary Lens into Governance in Africa
(African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review, 2022)In the recent past, scholars have delved into the challenges African countries face in establishing Western-style democracy, often overlooking the insights provided by literary works. Most political and social science ... -
Effect of Women Group Membership to Poverty Vulnerability among Female Headed Households in Yathui and Central Division, Machakos District, Kenya
(2013-08)This article examines the effect of group membership to magnitude of poverty among female headed households in Yathui and Central Divisions of Machakos District. The study adopted a descriptive and cross-sectional study ... -
Enhancing Government Brand Image through Effective Communication Strategies for Service Delivery: A Case of County Governments in Kenya
(International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 2024)In today’s business world, the ability to stand out from others is vital and it is only created and maintained to serve as a representation of a brand product, services and reputation within an a organization. This paper ... -
Examining the Prominence of the Political Corruption News in South Sudan
(2021)Purpose: The purpose of the study to examine the prominence of political corruption news by newspapers in South Sudan Method: The study used descriptive research design to address the research objectives. The target ... -
Exploring Parents' Perspectives on Indigenous Language Teaching in the CBC Curriculum: A Case Study of Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya
(International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 2023-06)This study aimed to investigate parents' perceptions of the importance of teaching indigenous languages in the competence-based curriculum (CBC) of schools in Kiambu County. The study also aimed to assess parents' awareness ... -
The Feminist Writer and the Subaltern: A Perspective on Ole Kulet’s Blossoms of the Savannah
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-12)Dominant literary conversations like post-structuralism have crowned the literary writer as an impartial and reliable voice for the voiceless in oppressive cultural settings. Since the marginal group is weak and cannot ... -
Heteroglossic approach to Discourse Analysis in Selected Languages spoken in Kenya: A Case of ‘Matatu’ Touts in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties in Kenya.
(JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, TECHNOLOGY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN AFRICA, 2025)This paper reflects on duplicity of meanings in a single informal utterance. This refers to the several interpretations that can be adduced to an utterance in the course of informal interaction. This study investigates ... -
(International Journal of Novel Research in Humanity and Social Sciences, 2024-02-08)To many Kenyans, devolution, the recently adopted governance system in Kenya, represents an opportunity to address the diverse local needs, choices, and limitations. It holds the promise of fostering a more equitable and ... -
The Influence of Communication Climate on Employee Performance in Selected Large Manufacturing Businesses in Eritrea
(2019-04)Manufacturing businesses, particularly the manufacturing businesses in Eritrea, face challenges in terms of increasing productivity in which their products are competitive in the market. The contribution of the manufacturing ... -
(International Journal of Communication and Public Relation . Vol.7, Issue 2, No. 2, pp 13-40, 202, 2022-01)Purpose: This research is intended to determine the influence of communication structure on employee performance in selected large manufacturing businesses in Eritrea. Manufacturing organizations, particularly the ... -
Influence of Information Availability on the Choice of Source of Entrepreneurial Finance
(2013-08)This study examines the influence of information availability on the choice of source of entrepreneurial finance for small and medium sized enterprises in Thika district of Kenya. This study adopted a mixed methods empirical ... -
Influence of Organisational Strategy on Digital Transformation at Kenya Airways
(2020-10)The study investigates how organisational strategy influences digital transformation of Kenya Airways. The study was guided by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and the Digital Maturity Model. ... -
Intertextuality and Interdiscursivity in Post-Colonial Language Policies in Kenya
(European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, 2023-12)Addressing the intricate challenges within the realm of language planning and policy involves establishing meaningful connections between language policy texts, discourse, and actual language practices. Moreover, navigating ... -
Language and Ideologies: A Critical Analysis of the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) During the Transition From 8-4-4 to the Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2023-08)This study utilises a critical analysis approach to investigate the language and discursive strategies employed in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) during the transition from the 8-4-4 system to the ... -
Literary Writers and the Subaltern: (Mis)-representation of Some Marginal Groups in Selected Contemporary African Novels
(LIFT: The Journal of Literature and Performing Arts, 2024-02)Dominant literary conversations like post-structuralism have crowned the literary writer as an impartial and reliable voice for the voiceless in oppressive cultural settings. Since the marginal group is weak and cannot ... -
Migration and pathology: a comparative reading of fragmented selves in Brian Chikwava’s Harare North
(African Identities, 2024)The paper is a comparative reading of dissociation and spirit possession as worthwhile tropes of analyzing the fragmented selves to lay basis of interpretation of similar works with African and Western cultural heritages. ...