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). A Grassroots Solutions for Global Challenges: The Role of Self-Help Groups in Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Change in Nyakach, Kenya.
(American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, 2024)The impact of climate change in developing countries such as prolonged droughts, flooding and erratic rainfall, among other effects are increasingly driving agriculturaldependent households into deeper poverty each year. ... -
Determinants of Performance of Innovative Integration Summer Flower Value Chain among Medium and Small-Scale Farmers Kenya.
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2024-07)The floriculture industry has undergone significant changes due to evolving global consumption patterns. While previous studies have primarily focused on large-scale production, there is a growing need to understand the ... -
Assessment of the effects of climate change on the occurrence of tomato invasive insect pests in Uganda
(Heliyon, 2023-02)The shift in the geographical spread of invasive pests in Africa has rarely been linked directly to climate change. However, it is predicted that environmental changes play a significant role in spreading and expanding ... -
Climate change scenario projections and their implications on food systems in Taita Taveta County, Kenya
(PLOS CLIMATE, 2023-06)This study explored how Taita Taveta County could use the power of climate scenarios in planning agricultural activities on food systems to enhance sustainable food. The study involved the use of climate scenarios to model ... -
Gendered Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change in Makueni County, Kenya
(International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2024)Climate change is not gender neutral as its effects are not felt equally by men and women. Existing gender disparities result into gender differentiated vulnerabilities which in turn result into gender differentiated ... -
Rainfall and Temperature Trend Analysis using Mann-Kendall and Sen's Slope Estimator Test in Makueni County, Kenya
(Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 2024-03)This study sought to analyze annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall and temperature (minimum and maximum) trends in Makueni County from 1991 to 2020 using the Mann–Kendall (MK) trend test and Theil-Sen’s slope estimator. ... -
Soil Properties and Stoichiometry as Influenced by Land Use, Enclosures and Seasonality in a Semi-arid Dryland in Kenya
(Anthropocene Science, 2024-07)Agropastoralism and nomadic pastoralism constitute the main land use systems in semi-arid drylands in Kenya. However, limited studies have investigated how land use and management practices and seasonality affect soil ... -
Grassroots Solutions for Global Challenges: The Role of Self-Help Groups in Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Resilience to Climate Change in Nyakach, Kenya
(American Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation (AJMRI), 2024-03-22)The impact of climate change in developing countries such as prolonged droughts, flooding and erratic rainfall, among, other effects are increasingly driving agricultural-dependent households into deeper poverty each year. ...