Nestng success of Sharpe’s Longclaw (Macronyx sharpei Jackson, 1904) around the grasslands of lake Ol’bolossat Nyandarua, Kenya
Sharpe’s Longclaw Macronyx sharpei is an endangered Kenyan endemic bird restricted to high-alttude grasslands with long
tussocks. The species occurs on the grasslands surrounding Lake Ol’Bolossat in Nyandarua, Kenya, an area that is globally recognized
as an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area. The grasslands receive litle conservaton measures, which have led to the decline in the
populaton density of Sharpe’s Longclaw. Nestng success in birds is crucial for their populaton growth. The daily survival rate for natural
nests of Sharpe’s Longclaw in the grasslands of Lake Ol’Bolossat had not been systematcally assessed prior to this study. Natural nests
were actvely searched during the breeding seasons of March–May 2016, while artfcial nests were constructed using dry grass containing
artfcial eggs made of cream modeling clay. Natural nests had a higher daily nest survival percentage than artfcial nests. The highest
daily nest survival rate was 40% and the lowest 0.01%. Predators, livestock grazing and fres greatly reduced the survival of nestlings. We
recommend intensive ecological management of the high-alttude grasslands of Lake Ol’Bolossat.
- Journal Articles (PAS) [270]