School of Pure, Applied and Health Sciences (JA): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 270
Effects of Ag Doping Concentrations on Structural and Optical Properties of Citrus Reticulata Capped ZnO Nanoparticles
(Journal of Nanosciences Research & Reports, 2025-03)Dopants are used to modify the properties of metal oxides. They are classified into p type and ntype. The p type dopants are electron acceptors and they reduce the bandgap energy. The n- type dopants are electron donors. ... -
Heavy Metal Pollution in Water, Detection and Remediations Strategies
(Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2025)Heavy metal pollution poses a significant threat to both human health and the environment, stemming from industrial processes, agricultural methods and urbanization. This study examined the presence of heavy metals such ... -
Adsorptive removal of phosphates from wetland waters using silica molyb date adsorbent
(Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2025)World’s most productive and valuable ecosystem is the wetlands. Quality and functions of wetlands have been affected adversely by deforestation, fertilizers, and pesticides among others. Pollution by phosphates affect ... -
Elemental Composition Of Pulp And Seed Of Avocado Cultivars From Murang’a County
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 2025)An estimated two billion individuals worldwide experience chronic micronutrient and mineral deficiencies as well as malnutrition. This represents 7% of the world's illness burden. Avocado is a widely consumed food that is ... -
Chickpea: A Promising Solution for ‘Hidden Hunger
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 2025)Hidden hunger, also known as malnutrition, is a serious development challenge that affects people who have limited resources. It is characterized by a lack of essential vitamins, proteins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, ... -
Elementary Removal Of Hydroquinone And 2-Naphthol From Aqueous Solutions By Aminated Cornstarch With Triethanol Amine As Bioadsorbent: Isotherms And Kinetics Studies
(Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2024)Background: The sources of phenolics pollutants in water are mainly chemical industries and pharmaceutical. They are harmful and toxic even at modest concentrations. Despite substantial achievements for water treatment ... -
Herbal Extracts Exhibit Anti-Epilepsy Properties
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 2024-11)Epilepsy refers to a group of persistent neurological illnesses characterized by seizures. It is a chronic brain disease that affects 50 million people in the world, being one of the most common neurological disorders. ... -
R isk Assessment of Resident Farmer s in Kilimambogo , Kenya , Using RESRAD Computer Code.
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 14, Issue 9, September 2024, 2024)The concentration of radionuclides in the any given place is determined by the geology of the area. The levels of primordial radi-onuclides present in soil samples harvested from Kilimambogo region in Kenya was measured ... -
End-Point Determination In Acid Decalcification Of Bone: A New Novel Method
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 14, Issue 8, August 2024, 2024)Background: Calcium oxalate test is currently the chemical method employed in testing endpoint of decalcification in acid decalcification. However, there are challenges with this existing method used; firstly, the method ... -
Utilization Of Plant Extractives And Compounds For Sitophilus Oryzae (Rice Weevil) Management
(IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry (IOSR-JBB), 2024-08)In stored crops, Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil) can cause damage of up to 80%, depending on the circumstances of storage. A vast variety of grains and seeds, including sorghum, wheat, corn, oats, rye, barley, rice, and ... -
Production And Characterization Of Bioethanol From Cassava Peels
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2024-05)Majority of rural Africans use inefficient energy sources like wood and fossil fuels, which are not environmentally friendly and hazardous to human health. Bioethanol is an alternative clean source of energy that can be ... -
Concentrations of Selected Heavy Metals in Soil and Tomatoes (Lycopersicon Esculenta Mill.) Grown in Kirinyaga County, Kenya
(International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2024-04)The contamination of agricultural products by harmful heavy metals poses a significant global health concern, with potential links to severe public health issues such as cancer and neural impairment. Tomatoes (Lycopersicon ... -
Effect of the use of inorganic- based photoluminescent materials in solar energy devices application
(World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023-07-04)The dynamic processes that take place in life require energy. The main convenient source of energy even in living tissue is hydrocarbons. This is due to the high-carbon based energy source that eventually converts fossil ... -
Effect of Doping Silver Nano Particle-enhanced Titanium Dioxide with Organic Luminescent Materials for Solar Cell Application
(International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Topics, 2023-08)Energy is as an important resource to support and is mainly driven by fossil fuels which are easily available and convenient to use. However, these highly treasured commodities produce exhaust gases that severely damages ... -
Titanium dioxide Ag NP enhanced solid solar cell electrodes for favourable efficiency
(2023-08-29)Population growth leads to a heightened demand for working potential to support modern commercial and residential evolutions. Available conventional energy sources, however, cause environmental pollution and severe health ... -
Plant Extracts and Terpenes with Antivenom Properties
(IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC), 2024-03-16)Envenoming and snakebite mortality are a significant public health concern in rural tropical areas in developing countries due to limited access to healthcare. Anti-snake venom (ASV) is the most effective counter measure ... -
Warburgia Ugandensis: A Review of Compounds and Bioactivity
(2023-07)Warburgia species (Canellaceae) are traditionally used to treat a wide range of illnesses including stomach ache, diarrhea, abdominal pains, toothache, oral thrush, venereal diseases, cold and cough, fever, muscle pains, ... -
A Review of Chemical Compounds and Bioactivity of Conyza Species
(2023-06)A large proportion of the African population's primary healthcare requirements are still mostly met by traditional medicine. Previous studies have demonstrated the potential of plant extracts disease management. Conyza ... -
Chemical Composition And Biological Activity Of Extracts From Conyza Species
(, 2023-04)The genus Conyza (Asteraceae) comprises about 50 species and found in the tropical and warm regions. Extracts from Conyza species have numerous pharmacological applications. The aim of this study was review the chemical ... -
Dietary practices, habits and physical activity levels of the Swahili community, Kenya in relation to obesity and chronic diseases of lifestyle
(2018-11)Chronic diseases of lifestyle like diabetes mellitus and hypertension appear at greater rates in populations which consumed high fat, high calorie diets and engaged in low or no physical activity. Physical inactivity and ...