Browsing Journal Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 951
Economic factors affecting the level of beef production from ranching: an example of Kenya's cattle sector
(1993)An econometric method was used to determine the economic factors that influence the level of beef production from ranches in one of the range areas in Kenya. The study also used both cross section and time-series data ... -
Intestinal absorption of vitamin A in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
(Diabetes Research, 1994)Diabetes mellitus is known to be associated with enhanced intestinal absorption of lipids. A validated in vitro technique was used to examine the uptake of (3H) retinol (a lipid soluble vitamin) into the jejunum and ileum ... -
Effect of Insulin Treatment or Zinc Supplementation on Vitamin A Status in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.
(Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 1995)A Using streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, we examined the effects of zinc supplementation and insulin treatment on the metabolic availability of vitamin A. All diabetic animals exhibited an elevated plasma glucose (>18 ... -
The metabolic availability of vitamin A (retinol) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
(University of Alberta (Canada), 1996)Using non-diabetic control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic male Wistar rats of 4-6 week duration, the metabolic availability of vitamin A (retinol) was examined. Animals were fed ad libitum a nutritionally complete ... -
Strain variation in vitamin A (retinol) status of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
(International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 1996)Decreased plasma concentrations of vitamin A (retinol) and retinol-binding protein have been previously identified in human subjects with type I diabetes mellitus. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects ... -
Protein utilization in humans as affected by level of dietary fat
(Elsivier, 1996-01)The objective of the project was to determine the effects of level of fat with or without manganese supplementation of diets on protein status of humans. Fourteen healthy adult humans participated in a 61 day study in which ... -
Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats is associated with impaired metabolic availability of vitamin A (retinol).
(The British Journal of Nutrition, 1996-04)Using streptozotocin-induced diabetic Wistar rats, studies were carried out to examine the metabolic availability of vitamin A in the plasma, liver and the retina of the eye. Control and diabetic rats were fed ad lib. on ... -
Streptozotocin-induced diabetes lowers retinol-binding protein and transthyretin concentrations in rats.
(The British Journal of Nutrition, 1996-12)Retinol-binding protein (RBP) and transthyretin (TTR) in the plasma, liver and kidney, retinol in plasma, and total vitamin A in the liver were measured in rats 6 weeks after diabetes mellitus had been induced by streptozotocin ... -
Resource availability and productivity, farmer efficiency, and household food security in semi-arid Kenya
(1997)Abstract The problem of food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa is currently one of the principal Concerns of policy makers. Food insecurity Is an Issue that has engaged researchers, Politicians, And donors in debate on ... -
Food and Feeding Habits of Juvenile Oreochromis leucostictus Trewavas (Teleostei=Cichlidae) in lake Naivasha and Oloidien, Kenya
(1998-04)An eight month-study (July, 1990 to February, 1991) was conducted at five different littoral habitat types of Lakes Naivasha and Oloidien, Kenya, to examine variations in dietary composition of juvenile Oreochromis ... -
The performance of Husani dairy goats under water restriction in the arid western lowlands, Eritrea
(Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 1999)Eighteen adult Husani female goats of approximately equal age and body weight, and in their late pregnancy were purchased from Eritrean western lowlands. They were randomly assigned to three watering regimes (treatments): ... -
Livestock as Capital and a Tao I for Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Management of Food Insecurity in Semi-traditional agro-pastoral societies:an example from South East Kenya
(1999)Discussions of the roles of livestock in many societies is not something new. They have been done in anthropological, sociological and, to some extent, economic literature. However, most of these discussions are normally ... -
Influence of Settlements on Land use and Vegetation in the Rangelands of Northeastern Ethiopia: Application of Aerial Photographic Technique
(1999)Population pressure through settlements and encroachment of cultivation into pastoral prime grazing lands in and semi-and areas of Africa have resulted in the reduction of natural vegetation cover, in turn transforming ... -
Technical innovation and farm productivity growth in dry land Africa: The effects of structural adjustment on smallholders Kenya
(2000)This paper uses non-parametric approach to measure technical innovation and productivity growth at the smallholder farm-level in dry-land sub-Saharan Africa during the initial years of the structural adjustment programmes ... -
Changing land use systems and socio-economic roles of vegetation in semi-arid Africa The case of the Afar and Tigrai of Ethiopia
(2000)In recent years, increased populations and the accompanying human demands have led to changes in land-use in the drylands of sub-Saharan Africa, in turn resulting in the reduction of vegetation and other natural resources. ... -
Annotated checklist of the non-marine molluscs of Mount Kenya, Kenya
(2001)This paper presents an annotated checklist of the non-marine molluscs of Mount Kenya, based on species records in the literature, museum collections and the results of a National Museums of Kenya Darwin Initiative field ... -
Seasonal botanical and chemical composition of sheep and goat diets on a common range in Eastern Africa
(2001)The botanical and chemical composition, intake and digestibility of local sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hirtus) diets were evaluated over the wet (growing) and dry (dormant) seasons. Diet botanical composition was ... -
Land-snail faunas of afromontane forests of Mount Kenya, Kenya: ecology, diversity and distribution patterns
(Blackwell Science Ltd, 2001)Aims To (1) describe the distribution patterns of land-snails occurring in afromontaneforest habitats on Mount Kenya, in relation to elevation and aspect; (2) explore therelations between the land-snail faunas and environmental ... -
Flavor Stability of High-Oleic Peanuts Stored at Low Humidity
(2001-08)Shelf-life studies were conducted on roasted high-oleic peanuts (HOP; F1250, BC93Q10) and a reference peanut with normal oleic acid content (NOP, Florunner). HOP contained at least 80% oleic acid and 3% linoleic acid, ... -
Effect of Acacia tortilis pods on intake, digestibility and nutritive quality of goat diets in southwestern Eritrea
(2002)Fresh Acacia tortilis pods were mixed with low quality native grass hay to form the following five rations: 100% hay (T 1), 25% pods and 75% hay (T 2), 50% pods and 50% hay (T 3), 75% pods and 25% hay (T 4) and 100% pods ...