Browsing School of Engineering and Technology (CP) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
Analysis of a fuzzy logic power system stabilizer for stability enhancement
(2010)Modern power systems consist of several generators working synchronously to meet the Power demand. For reliability of these systems, stability must be ensured in case of faults within the system. Faults within a system ... -
An Assessment of Optimal Allocation of FACTS Devices in Power Systems Using Metaheuristics
(2021-11)The increasing power demand, the optimal use of grids, the need for economic efficiency, and the high costs associated with building new grids have created unavoidable challenges such as power line overload and excessive ... -
Comparative analysis of SCIG and DFIG based wind generation on transient stability of the Kenyan power system
(2014)Generation of Electrical power from wind is achieved using the two mainly available generator technologies. These technologies are the squirrel cage induction generators (SCIG) and doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs). ... -
A Comparative Study of Dual-slope Path Loss Model in Various Indoor Environments at 14 to 22GHz
(2018-08)Fifth generation wireless communication networks will demand massive bandwidth for high data rates. The millimeter wave frequency bands will play an important role in the 5G wireless networks due to the available huge chunk ... -
Comparison of aggregation methods of induction motor models for transient stability load modeling
(2010)This paper focusses on the comparison of the aggregation methods of multiple induction motors (IM) connected in parallel on the same bus into a single equivalent model using the no-load and locked-rotor and transformer ... -
Continuation load flow with a neuro fuzzy model of an induction motor for voltage stability analysis
(2010)This paper uses the concept of the continuation power flow analysis used in voltage stability Analysis for control the power in large systems. It uses the PV curves to find the knee point of a certain bus. A neuro fuzzy ... -
The dependency of bus voltage and frequency in load shedding
(2013)Load shedding schemes proposed in literature so far use voltage and frequency parameters separately. The individual consideration of these indices may not be reliable or effective, and may even lead to the over load shedding ... -
Design optimization of a renewable hybrid energy system
(2013)This paper proposes the optimal design of a renewable hybrid energy system consisting of solar, wind energy with battery storage suitable for application in remote areas. The study investigates the possibility of reducing ... -
DSTATCOM Application for Distribution Network Power Quality Enhancement: A Review
(IEEE, 2021-09)The performance of electrical systems is becoming more affected by the increased voltage drop, power loss, and power quality problems. These issues can be drastically minimized by the incorporation of compensators in the ... -
Effect of Cell Composition on Internal Resistance on Open Circuit Voltage and Short Current Density of a Fabricated Titanium Dioxide Cell
(2018)This paper is a product of a research aimed at developing a solar energy powered titanium dioxide solar cell. The experimental design involved preparation of various ratios of titanium dioxide: graphite /iodine/KI mixtures ... -
Effect of Varying Thickness on Performance of Titanium Dioxide Solar Cell
(2021-03)The need for energy to drive economic development has increased tremendously yet most energy sources lead to environmental pollution with consequences such as global warming and serious health complications. Global warming ... -
Efficient Control strategy based on instantaneous power theory and model predictive control for grid connected photovoltaic system
(2021-11)Due to the rapid decline of fossil resources and the impact of their use for electric power generation on the environment, renewable energy sources are increasingly explored and integrated into the power grid. Among the ... -
An Empirical Approach to Omnidirectional Path Loss and Line-of-sight Probability Models at 18GHz for 5G Networks
(2018-08)Millimeter wave frequency bands present a huge bandwidth for fifth generation wireless communication networks. Wireless networks deployment within indoor environments will pose a challenge due to propagation characteristics ... -
Energy Management System for Solar And Grid System
(2021-11)Electricity is an important resource both in domestic and industrial environment. The rise in electricity demand has led to conventional resources being exhausted and possibly lead to rise in electricity prices. since ... -
Enhanced Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor Using Fuzzy-Neural Networks Controller
(IEEE, 2022-02)The dynamic behavior of a PID-type fuzzy logic control depends on the appropriate choice of its scaling factors. Fixed scaling factors cannot provide adequate control performance under a wide range of operating conditions. ... -
The Impact of Prior Exposure to Engineering Through the MUT Pre-College Course - A Case Study of Kangema Sub-County Secondary Schools
(2021-11)In Kenya, secondary schools have a great role in preparing learners for career progression. In order to realize industrial growth, it is important to prepare more students for careers in STEM. There is relatively little ... -
Investigating the Effect of an Ir Emitting Element to the time Constant of Solar Energy Harvesting Device Lifetime
(2021-03)Solar photovoltaic (PV) system is instrumental in provision of sustainable energy in the wake of social and environmental concerns. While research in solar cell efficiency has made great strides and achieved over 40%, key ...