A Review of Convergence in Information and Communication Technology
Convergence is the interlinking of computing and other information technologies,
telecommunications networks and media content that originally operated largely
independently. Convergence has arisen as a result of the evolution and
popularization of the internet as well as the activities, products and services that
have emerged in the digital media space. Convergence plays an important role in
society from the economic, social, and development perspective. It can influence
the way in which governments develop appropriate policy while looking for social
welfare; enterprises compete in the market; and individuals communicate with each
other and benefit from efficient and lower-cost, innovative and new value-added
products and services. Technological convergence has raised a number of issues of
adjustment to the new environment by telecom operators, service providers,
policymakers, regulators, and users. Issues like interoperability, interconnection,
Policy and regulatory framework, consumer protection and universal access appear
as the most relevant challenges. There are three approaches taken by countries to
address convergence which are legislative approach, a regulatory approach and a
self-regulation approach. The objective of this paper is to highlight various forms
of convergence, those benefits and opportunities, Issues on convergence,
Approaches in implementing ICT Regulations on Convergence along with some
concepts about convergence.
- Journal Articles (CI) [106]